Free Keyword Suggesting Tools

A. Nugroho

Use the free keyword suggestion tool to help your website rank higher in the search engines.

Key Assist Tool

A. Nugroho

The new Key Assist tool allows a user to quickly lookup an action and find the corresponding key binding.

In order to access key bindings the user may press Help->Key Assist from the menu or the corresponding hot key which will popup a dialog containing a list of categories, actions and corresponding key bindings. The dialog contains a quick filter allowing the user to quickly isolate the exact action he/she is looking for.

Using the button "Edit Keys" from the Key Assist dialog, you may also quickly access the configurable key bindings if you want to edit the current key binding for any action.

Source to Free Download

Managing Keywords

A. Nugroho

Use KeywordPad to Clean, Modify & Multiply (Long Tail) Your Keyword Lists

KeywordPad is a Windows software for managing large keyword lists used in your Internet marketing campaigns (organic search engine optimization, PPC advertisement campaigns, etc). Use it to clean, modify and multiply your keyword lists.

KeywordPad is also completely free, is digitally signed and safe to install.